
Research problems are often stated in vague terms...

... because it is quite uncertain what the problems really are. (quote inspired from J. von Neumann's quote)

Learning to Learn

The research on reinforcement learning is so wide and deep! Chess, Go, computer games, multi-armed bandit problems, stochastic optimal controls, and on. The list of relevant applications and problems will go on forever. A common element underlying all these: how did the computers learn to solve these problems?

Let's take a step further and ask: how did the learners learned to learn?

One more step: what is the best way to learn? Does your AI learn that way?

Research Projects with Real World Application

Real world, real problem. Let's show how math works in real world through artificial intelligence.

The following list contains the actual research projects I am involved in via AI+M laboratory at Korea University.

Project: Earthquake

Did you know that earthquakes happen frequently (in Korea)? Mathematics has been helping earthquake specialists to know more about earthquakes. Of course, we can use artificial intelligence to know even more. We work with government agencies to research novel methods to improve earthquake-response chain in South Korea.

Project: Fashion

Fashion is a collection of many things. Well, now we have artificial intelligence in the mix, and make the fashion industry step up even more. What role would mathematics play here? With our fashion industry partner, we bring artificial intelligence and mathematics into a new territory.

Project: Biomedical

Modern healthcare is full of challenging problems and overflowing with data containing immense potential. We collaborate with top tier hospitals to bring mathematics into using artificial intelligence to improve the quality of medical care in real life.